Noise Hunters Devlog 29 - Discarded: Scouter

Hello [Code_Name: MEVYE] [Location: CLASSIFIED], welcome back!

Today we will see another discarded idea of Noise Hunters, the Scouter!

The Scouter is another enemy type which specialises in the detection of the player and warn near by enemies. This would by a small enemy designed to keep the player alerted and more cautious of it's actions, because if an error is made and a scouter is near, the consequences would be grater as more enemies will be alerted.

In more detail: The Scouter will make HES ( detection sounds) while in patrol, unlike the rest of enemies, so the player doesn't need to create noise to be detected. If the scouter detects a noise it will will run at a high velocity to the position and makes a HES. If the player is detected, it will give the position to the near enemies and wait for "x" seconds and then go to the last player position that has been detected. When some time has passed with no detection, the enemy will go back to its patrol path.

Visually, we had decided to use a model found in Sketchfab. Represented by a spherical form and similar to a spider. This model fit us perfectly, as it had a complete set of animations for each of the actions we wanted to do and was quite cheap.

It was discarded as it would require much more time to implement unlike the Predator & Gunner that are variations of each other.

Thanks for reading and don’t make any noise! 🤫







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